Category Archives: Self-promotion strategies
Social Media Monday: Facebook Cover Photos
This Friday, March 30, 2012, Facebook will be implementing their new “timeline” feature for businesses. Do you have a Facebook page for your professional speaking business? And is it ready for the change? If you have a personal Facebook profile, … Continue reading
Richard St. John on Success
Today I want to share with you a presentation titled “Richard St. John’s 8 Secrets of Success.” Richard St. John has a wide variety of professional experience, including working in scientific research and development for Nortel, researching and writing speeches … Continue reading
Self-Promotion: Networking
What’s one of the simplest, most effective ways of getting yourself known as a professional speaker? Networking. It makes sense, doesn’t it? The more people you meet, the more people you know. The more people you know, the greater the … Continue reading
Self-Promotion: Building a Speaker Summary
In the world of professional speaking, self-promotion is mandatory. Especially when you’re just starting out. Sure you may have a moving message to share or important knowledge to impart, but that’s not enough. It doesn’t matter how moving or important … Continue reading