Great Speakers Have Unshakable Confidence
Truly professional motivational speakers have developed an underlying confidence that is clearly evident when they are both on and off the stage. Even when circumstances within their presentation are seemingly out of their control (unforeseen technical problems, mistakes with handouts, etc.), such speakers are able to overcome momentary setbacks and not be overly rattled or unhinged. They are consistently able to make matters right again – they solve presentation difficulties because they were so well prepared that they anticipated potential trouble and had a contingency plan – and they make light of it in front of their audience. This all contributes to their unflappable confidence, and they end up turning seemingly awkward situations into moments that further empower and embolden them. True professional speakers have an unfailing ease in front of groups of people, even when everything seems to be going wrong for them. In the case of troublesome or disrespectful crowds (it happens!) they have methods for taking control of the situation with authority and composure that puts them back in command of their surroundings.
Confidence Can Be Learned
Although some people are born with an abundance of natural confidence, most of us have to learn, grow and develop it. And though a person may be confident generally, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will naturally translate to motivational speaking. There are many ways to increase public speaking confidence, however the easiest way to do so is to practice your presentation and delivery. Nothing replaces the experience of gaining composure and public speaking ease than actually giving your presentation in front of a live audience. In the beginning, this can be achieved by joining Toastmaster’s and by volunteering your speaking services around your community. Any professional speaker will tell you that they have reached their present ability level not because of having read books on the subject of speaking (though that may indeed help), but rather because they have had years of speaking experience in front of
live audiences.
‘Master speaker qualities’ are not easily taught or conveyed to younger or more inexperienced speakers, yet as beginners starts to gain confidence and skill in handling themselves, their message, and their audience, they will inevitably develop poise, inner strength, and unfailing self-belief. As more presentations are given and the speaker’s business grows, so too will their ability to express passion and convey an impressive strength of presence in all their public speaking endeavors.